Tune in to CHMR(93.5 fm) Wednesdays from 12-1am for Solamente Nero. A blend of music and sound taken from film, as well as music that just sounds cinematic.
This weeks show had a running Satanic/Cult theme.
I made a lot of use of the Sergio Martino Giallo "All The Color Of the dark" (aka They're Coming To Get You, or Tutti I Colori Del Buio), which is a lot of fun.
I also used a few bits of dialogue from "Equinox" (aka The Beast), a great 70's monster movie that lays down the basic template that Sam Rami later used for his "Evil Dead" movies. Other than that I'm all over the place.
Jacula are a Satanic Prog Rock band from Italy. They've never done any soundtrack work that I'm aware of, though they easily could have. They remind me of Goblin in places, but the main reason I played them was so I could start the show with church organ, and then return to it at the end of the show with the long passage from "L'Anticristo".
"L'Anticristo" is an Italian Exorcist rip off, that has style to spare, though a story that lags. The ending is great though, and it seemed the perfect thing to cap the show with.
Play List:
Jacula-Ritus-In Cauda Semper Stat Venenum
Bruno Nicolai/Sergio Martino-Segment from All The Colors Of The Dark
Bixio,Frizzi,Tempera-Allucinazioni-Sette Note In Nero
Bruno Nicolai/Sergio Martino-Segment from All The Colors Of The Dark
Bobby Beausoleil-Lucifer Rising pt1-Lucifer Rising
Popol Vuh-Die Nacht Der Himmel-Nosferatu The Vampire
Jack Woods & Dennis Murin-Segment From Eqinox(AKA The Beast)
James Horner-Something Wicked This Way Comes-Something Wicked This Way Comes
Don Cherry-Opening Titles-The Holy Mountain
Bruno Nicolai/Sergio Martino-Segment from All The Colors Of The Dark
Bruno Nicolai/Sergio Martino-Segment from All The Colors Of The Dark
Les Baxter-Black Mass-The Dunwich Horror
Bruno Nicolai/Sergio Martino-Segment from All The Colors Of The Dark
Jerry Goldsmith-The Dogs Attack-The Omen
Jack Woods & Dennis Murin-Segment From Eqinox(AKA The Beast)
Ennio Morricone & Bruno Nicolia/Alberto De Martino-Segment From L'Anticristo
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